Taj Mahal Trio

Taj Mahal ( Henry Saint Clair Fredericks) is a blues musician who managed to merge rural with jazz, blues, reggae, calypso, zydeco and Hawaiian music creating his synthesized unique sound .

Taj Mahal was born in New York in 1942, his father was a West Indian and his mother a Afro-American woman, so that he was exposed to multiple cultures since his birth. Taj Mahal recorded his first album in 1967 and was quickly performing with Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. Taj is a multi-instrumentalist ( he played the guitar, the piano, the bass, the organ, the mandolin, the cello, the psaltery, the piccolo, the kalimba, the vibraphone…) Taj has always composed new sounds embracing new musical forms which are plenty of energy and offer evocative results.

Taj Mahal will receive 2014 Hondarribia Blues award and perform on the stage of La Benta on Saturday 12 July.