Three bands "all stars"

Other major international figures will attend the event this year. At the top of the ranking is the group that includes some of the most representative bluesmen of Windy City, the Chicago All Stars, a group formed by the leading musicians of the Chicago blues scene: Jimmy Burns, Kimberly "Hot Sauce" Johnson, two well-known of the festival such as Bob Stroger and Kenny "Beedee Eyes" Smith, Billy Flynn, Omar Coleman, and Piano Willie.

Along with them, Golden State-Lone Star Blues Revue, another all star but this time with a fusion of musicians from Texas and California: Mark Hummel (Grammy nominee), Rusty Zinn, Mike Keller, R.W. Grigsby and Wes Starr.

A third all star, will mark the Crossroads section with which the festival opens a meeting point in which several artists, from different bands, meet under a common bond, different in each edition: this year will be the Spanish blues scene. Fourteen great musicians from very different corners will be responsible for making a journey through the history of our blues, mixing with each other and delighting the public.

Photography: Golden State-Lone Star Blues Revue