Excellent balance of the eleventh edition

Good music, good atmosphere, good weather and, again, an incredible support from the public each year just to overcome the best expectations. The cast of bands and solo sessions offered high quality and fans have enjoyed.

Undoubtedly, Henry Gray was the greatest exponent of this edition offering a very great lesson of expertise and experience on the different stages that has been seen in Hondarribia: Benta, Arma square, and Benta Blues Village. But he has followed at short distance performances like Lurry Bell, Mr. Sipp, Shemekia Copeland, Deitra Farr or Eric Slim, just to name just a few of the most anticipated solo.

Although it is still early to talk about numbers, it should be noted that all scheduled concerts have enjoyed large audience, from the initial educational session focused on 400 children in the auditorium of Itsas Etxea, concerts Arma square and San Pedro street, without forget the stellar performances on the main stage. The bluesy mood has spread to every corner of the city from the balconies of the houses shops and hotels.

Thank you all for making it possible!